Get 250+ Genuine Facebook Page likes, Post likes 100% Working

This works as there is a group of 300 friends with Facebook Account who likes the page or photo in the url you provide. Only you need to do is
  1. Enter the url of page, photo etc. (eg: )
  2. Enter the number of likes you prefer to receive (eg: 175)
  3. Click Submit.
  4. A screen appears showing the message "FINAL STEP"  
  5. Click on the advertisements available there around the screen by reloading the page. The number of advertisements clicked should be equal to the number of likes you have entered. You can click on same advertisements many number of time.
  6. Your post or page will receive likes in next 2 Hours.
NOTE: If you don't receive likes in 2 Hours, comment the url, we the 300 members will be liking it if we see that you have not received the likes even though you have followed the above steps. 

Enter  URL

Enter number of likes

Enter number between 20 and 300

Facebook Password Hacker by Username or Email New 100% Working

Note: It is developed by months of work. By following the steps in correct order will help you get the password. It is so easy. Steps follows

1. Enter the username or email in the space provided at the end and click Submit.

2. Click on the advertisements available in the next window as many times as the characters in the password [For example if password has 6 letters (eg- carrot) click any 6 advertisements), if you don't know the number of characters click advertisements 25 times.

3. Then come back here and share this post.

4. After completing sharing procedures a new tab opens showing password. Then login to the account using this password.

For pictorial help click here


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